Manus Skulls
Preseli Bluestone Tribal Pendant
Preseli Bluestone Tribal Pendant
This is a uniquely hand carved cone head pendant, carved form the mystic "Stonehenge-stone" the Preseli Bluestone. Form and identity of the pendant during carving where strictly given by the stone itself. Signed by Artist with his initials IM. Comes with a new bronze coloured rune sign Sowulo slide bead.
Dozens of stones I’ve explored and carved, loads of them I Love …… but there is no stone like the PRESELI BLUESTONE from the Preseli hills of Pembrokeshire, Wales, United Kingdom. For most of us it’s well known as the ‘Stonehenge stone’ for the inner circle of this megalithic of the young Stone Age is proven to be mined 200 miles away ……..
The BIG question is Why? …… Why bother moving multi-ton stones, if there are other stones to be found closer by? ……. There must be something about this stone ……
It’s the BEST grounder I have ever came across and yet it can connect you with the past (ancestors) , the ley lines, the future, the galactic world …….. and let’s not forget ….. it is a Great healer as well ….. I am convinced that there is much more to be explored about this wonderful, magical dolerite ……

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