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Large Nodul Aragonite Skull

Large Nodul Aragonite Skull

19.5 cm
15 cm
12 cm
4097 gram

This so-called Aragonite nudol from Eichelberg Austria consists of several small Aragonite nodules. Good to see on the polished parts. The original exterior of the nodule resembles a lunar landscape, the Skull as a whole looks like an ancient excavation. A quirky and rare artifact.

Aragonite is a particularly fine grounding and warming limestone. In the physical field, Aragnonite has a positive influence on the healing of joint inflammations and calcium absorption. It has a favorable effect on the circulation of tissues and supports digestion and the immune system.

Aragonite is a stone that makes you happy but above all quiet in your head. It is a very nice stone to carry with you if you have a lot of (work-related) stress. Aragonite is also a pleasant stone for very sensitive people because it works strongly earthing, stabilizing and calming. Aragonite keeps you close to yourself and supports in spiritual and spiritual development.

In the spiritual field, Aragonite helps you discover your task here on earth and allows your creativity to flow. It stabilizes your Root Chakra and brings you into contact with your inner source.

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