Manus Skulls
Agni Manitite Skull
Agni Manitite Skull
Indonesian AGNI MANITITE Cintamani Tektite Manus SKULL .....
Agni Manitite is also called Cintamani stone. The stones are pseudo-Tektites. Pseudo because they are not caused by a meteorite impact but by a volcanic eruption. Magma is thrown into the atmosphere where it solidifies into volcanic glass before it rains down on Earth.
At first glance, the Agni Manitite looks like a dark, almost black stone. However, it lights up gray to brown when a light is placed behind it. The name comes from Sanskrit where 'angi mani' means 'pearl of fire'. An appropriate name given its history.
A powerful earth crystal that simultaneously carries the elements of air and cosmos. A crystal of self-awareness, it brings decisiveness, self-confidence and self-love. Agni Manitite has a grounding and harmonizing effect through the regulation of energy flows. It increases life force and vitality and attracts love and loyalty. Negative emotions such as anger, fear and sadness are slowed down, after which you are able to view the whole and life again in a neutral and unbiased way. Physically, Agni manitite also has a strong regulating effect and therefore stimulates recovery processes.

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